[Scheduled maintenance] Patch management of Subaio production servers
Scheduled for Aug 13, 03:00 - 04:30 CEST
Please be advised.

On Tuesday, 13/08/2024, between 03:00 and 04:30, a scheduled patch management service of Subaio production servers will be performed.

As the patch management can include upgrades on both hardware, firmware and OS, temporary service interruptions may occur during this period.

Best regards
Posted Jun 03, 2024 - 14:44 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affects: Other Services (Partner Portal), Partner API (User API, Transaction API), Cancel Services (Automated Cancellations, Guided Cancellations), Predict Services (Balance Forecasting), Infrastructure (Network), and Identify Services (Subscription Overview, Credit Check, Contract Overview for Relatives).